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Do you want A Players or A Students?

My guess would be you'd want A-Players right?  But it's easy to fall into hiring A-Students with less than great results...Here are some techniques to help you hire. But first who are they?

A-Students (and they come in all ages and stages) can pass exams and tests. Yes, they can demonstrate skills under certain conditions. However, evidence across a wide range of industries indicates that grades alone are not a strong predictor of job performance*.

A-Players have the drive to put the skills they do have to the best use, overcome challenges and disappointments, and learn the extra skills they need as they progress. So how do we find them?


Attraction is marketing. And the first rule of marketing is that you should know exactly who you're marketing to. Build a persona of your ideal player (an avatar), give them a name, and a picture. Make the picture visible in the place of work. Understand their goals, aspirations, wants, likes, dislikes, personal circumstances, fears, frustrations, and yes, results and skills. The more you know about who you're marketing to, the easier it is to create material to attract them.

Important: If ever you're really stuck with this, interview your best players and understand why they're still working with you!


You're hiring their will as well as their skills: you want their hearts as well as their hands!

One of the easiest ways to screen for this is to ask applicants about their personal goals. Very likely many won't have been asked this in an interview, some may not know, others might be vague, but some will be able to tell you exactly what they want and why.

The clearer someone is about what they want to achieve, the more likely I am to take a step further and ask them about their skills and results. Their hands will follow their hearts.

Their Journey as well as Yours

If you can tie your players' personal success to your business success, you have a great formula to keep attracting and keeping A-Players.

* Ref: Adam Grant

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