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Losers focus on Winners. Winners focus on Winning...

Be careful with who or what you compare yourself with. Comparisons can be fun, they can also drain us if we're not careful. Here's the difference between healthy and not-so-healthy comparisons.

Losers focus on winners….

I’ll guess we’ve come across situations where people (may be you, and certainly me) have wanted “more”: Salary, car, house, job and others. My guess would also be that in many cases, the deep reason behind wanting these was that someone we knew - "winners" in this case - had them!

This can drag us down over the long term as there will always, always be someone who has something you don’t! The other reason it can backfire is that, if you’re not careful, you’ll always be looking at others and in some deep way trying to ‘beat’ them or be better than they are. This can take you way off your own path and lead to a lack of fulfilment: Ok, you got the car someone else has…so are you happy now?

Winners focus on winning…

The only comparison that truly matters, is the comparison you make with the most important person to you who will ever live…………you!

- Compare yourself today with how you were yesterday.

- Compare yourself with how you are this year with how you were last year.

And there are loads of categories: relationships, skills, achievements, contributions, family dynamics….and, yes, money.

Set goals for sure. Big scary ones! But make certain they are your goals and you’re charting your progress towards them.

Focus on winning in the only game that matters. The game you’re playing with yourself.

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