Research has shown that possibly the biggest indicator of your future success is your postcode (zip code for our American cousins). Where you live determines in large part the people around you, where you're likely to go to school, and your neighbourhood environment.
So is our success just dumb luck?
Yes, the right postcode can give you a good start. The neighbourhood you're born in and the genes your parents gave you can give you an initial advantage... but but...
The amazing news about business is that it's athinking person's game.
I'm a scientist at heart, which means I like evidence. There is an abundance of stories of super successful people who came from so-called "bad" postcodes. We can't change where we were born, but we can out-think our competitors.
You can change your "postcode"...
To be a bit more useful, let's consider your "postcode" not only to be a physical location, but a wider and more flexible concept including what you read, what you watch, what you listen to, where you hang out, what do you for leisure and more...
And just like many before you, you can change it. We need to part company with those who continually drag us down. It's not easy but again, the evidence is there that it can be done...if you want to.
At work, if you're tired of being the smartest person in the room...get a new room!
A Key Person
A crucial person to include in your postcode is someone who helps you see what you can't see and tells you what you need to hear however unpleasant it might be! And, yes, sometimes gives you a supportive and respectful "kick in the pants".
If you're not getting the results you want, don't settle for your current postcode. You have the power to change it.
Save yourself hours each week. Download my 5 minute guide to this Daily "Super Ritual"
* The right genes (DNA) can give you an initial advantage in sport: tall enough to be a basketball player, sufficient fast-twitch muscle fibres to be a good sprinter, the right physical dimensions to be a rower. But they mean little without focus and dedication. Many successful sportsmen and women were initially overlooked but through dedication and hard work rose to great heights.