I was reminded recently of one of my favourite examples of great performance which came from one simple, consistent action...
An insurance salesman was consistently outperforming the others in his agency and the boss was curious. He asked this particular salesman what is "secret" was...To which he replied that it wasn't really much of a secret...
When he considered it was time to wrap up and go home, he would pack and prepare to leave, and then make one more prospecting call. That was it! One more call. Whatever the result of the call was, this simple practice made him more successful than the others.
Many would consider their end of day as having done their best. But what this guy did was just a little bit extra.
What is Your "Best"?
Of course this is relative to you and your circumstances. But use the story above as encouragement. What is one small thing you can consistently do after what you think is your best. This can be the practice that drives you to a new level of performance and sets a higher bar for you.